Feast of Truth

Our culture is profoundly individualistic. That means that we look within to find meaning. We look within to find direction. We look within to find purpose. This is not the worldview of the Bible. And by the way, it wasn’t the worldview of most of the rest of this earth until about three hundred years ago. It’s a new phenomenon that we take for granted as truth. The culture of the Bible is quite reversed from this individualistic perspective. It presents us with a theocracy—a universe whose center, focus, source, and direction comes from God. Not from you.

You were created to dwell in the substantial reality of Christ in you and with you. Of Christ being over you, guiding you, leading you, feeding you. Your true self is the one that abides in Christ. Without the vine of Christ, there is no real you, but a fiction, a shell, a dying self. To the degree that you dwell in Christ, abide in Christ, to that degree you are your true self, to that degree you are dwelling in the truth about yourself, about others, and about God.

There is a feast before you. A feast of truth. A feast that satisfies. It’s the feast of God. Eat your fill, my friends.

2 responses to “Feast of Truth”

  1. marty woodall says:

    The ? about a biblical caracter. I think that I would like to meet Ester. She have a very pleasing personality and was very brave when it became necessary.

  2. Susan Fisher says:

    Tessa, how true this is! I feel that we are so caught up in our era’s worldview that we are unable to step back and view it through a biblical and/or historical lens. God, please free us from the cultural box we are in!

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